Nuclear Devices Used at WTC GROUND ZERO

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Please scroll down to see the photographs of the melted rock nuclear detonation crater at wtc.

Please note that some of the videos below were removed by youtube.

I let them remain so you can try to find the information with the titles and so that you can see what they are hiding from you on youtube.

See photos of Nuke crater at bottom..

Be sure to check out my other article here

WTC Constructed to be Nuclear Device Chimneys

WTC Constructed to be Nuclear Device Chimneys Audio-Video transcript with added must hear commentary by A Truth Soldier

Nuclear Demolition of the WTC: Too Much Tritium i.e fission bomb yield booster

Source video

04 – Phenomena

Dimitri Khalezov WTC Nuclear Demolition


Third Truth about 9/11 – 911thology FULL version of Dimitri Khalezov’s book is RELEASED!

Published on Aug 27, 2013

Links are blow. Please, download this book on nuclear demolition of the WTC and re-distribute it as widely as possible:
Please, download also this archive with the biggest collection of genuine “ground zero” definitions from hundreds of pre-9/11 dictionaries:…
Feel free to share this with other people too!
I urge you to create alternative download links for both of these files and share them via torrents! Please, be in a hurry, these links may not last!

A new book on 9/11 is out, by Dimitri Khalezov

Dimitri Khalezov has spent 10 years researching and writing a book on what happened during 9/11. The book is now available on the internet.
Instructions for downloading his book:

In a 2010 interview, Dimitri Khalezov explained that anyone who wants to build a skyscraper in NYC must submit a satisfactory demolition plan to the building authorities before the project is approved. On 9/11, the demolition plan of the World Trade Center (‘WTC’) was activated to destroy the complex.

He knew of this demolition plan from his job in the Soviet Union. He had worked in the nuclear intelligence unit and under an agreement between the Soviet Union and the USA, each country was obliged to inform the other of peaceful uses of nuclear explosions. The WTC was constructed with built-in explosive charges for its eventual demolition – 3 thermo-nuclear devices were placed within the foundations of the complex for this purpose.

More info on the author:
The links for the 2010 interview are at the end of the webpage.
In # 4, Khalezov talks of the demolition plan of the WTC.
In # 14, he explains what happened to Building 7 (which fell down nearly half an hour AFTER the BBC reporter announced its collapse).

Khalezov was recently interviewed on the Mike Harris show on 4th September 2013:

9/11 Solved – YouTube – This Playlist

Support Evidence for Dimitri Khalezov’s 9/11 Testimony

Support Evidence for Dimitri Khalezov’s 9/11 Testimony
Share this article:
Share on YouTube: tinyurl (dot) com/432w33o
The following links provide additional support evidence for Dimitri Khalezov’s 9/11 testimony. Watch the full 2 part documentary interview below called “9/11: The Third Truth – Dimitri Khalezov” and review the detailed “Nuclear Demolition – WikiSpooks” article to learn about Dimitri’s testimony and detailed explanation of how the WTC buildings were demolished using built-in underground nuclear devices. In his interview, Dimitri explains details about virtually all events that unfolded on the day 9/11 and leaves no stone unturned.

lluminatti Playing Cards


Published on Sep 4, 2014

NEURTON BOMB cause for NANO THERMITE; MOLTEN STEEL BEAMS; FREE-FALL Buildings; RADIATION FALLOUT at Ground Zero, and more evidence…..
NANO THERMITE found everywhere was cause of Neutron Bomb used to bring down WTC Buildings on 9/11 2001 at Ground Zero in NYC.

Full article on “Veterans Today” – “Too Classified to Publish: Bush Nuclear Piracy Exposed – Russia Opens Files on Nuclear 9/11 and Israeli Proliferation” of May 20, 2014. …by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor.
“…The primary purpose of the nuclear weapon used on 911 was to produce a massive Gama ray / neutron flux that would vaporize about 150 to 300 feet of 6 inch thick steal I beams that constituted the central core of the WTC buildings. This created a free fall event as seen on TV that day.
The flash would be hidden from sight due to the underground detonation. Most of the light was in the non-visible light spectrum any way. Over pressure would be reduced to 6 psi due to the blast traveling up the central core and neutron radiation vaporizing the TV antenna at the top of the building as see on TV.
The fallout would be mainly vaporized concrete cement and iron oxide.

This is why after 911 they told everyone on TV that the beta radiation burns that people were getting were due to the caustic cement dust and not due to the radiation effects from the radioactive cement fallout.
The iron oxide found all over the place was what was left of the steel I beams. This was the so called Nano Thermite that was found everywhere. Fallout was limited to a 1 mile area around down town NYC. See charts. (Editor’s note: Received)
Radiation decay was reduced to safe low levels after 72 hrs., (Editor’s note: Fully confirmed) outside of ground zero its self. This is why the area was blocked off from the public for 3 days after the event, in order to let the radiation drop to safe levels…”
Editing: Jim W. Dean

Compilation of evidence by Don Fox, Ed Ward & Jeff Prager.

The fission products & the tritium levels leave no doubt clean mini-H-bombs a.k.a. neutron bombs were used. Multiple devices in the sub-kiloton range which I believe were used in combination with conventional explosives. If anyone’s interested I’ve been posting links to evidence in my channel’s discussion section & my G+. Evidence many in 9/11 truth are ignoring.


Published on Oct 18, 2013

Fission elements found in WTC dust.
Barium and Strontium: Neither of these elements should ever appear in building debris in these quantities. The levels never fall below 400ppm for
Barium and they never drop below 700ppm for Strontium and reach over
3000ppm for both in the dust sample taken at Broadway and John Streets.
Thorium and Uranium: These elements only exist in radioactive form. Thorium is a radioactive element formed from Uranium by decay. It’s very rare and should not be present in building rubble, ever. So once again we have verifiable evidence that a nuclear fission event has taken place.
Lithium: With the presence of lithium we have compelling evidence that this fission pathway of Uranium to Thorium and Helium, with subsequent decay of the Helium into Lithium has taken place. Lanthanum: Lanthanum is the next element in the disintegration pathway of the element Barium.
Yttrium: The next decay element after Strontium, which further confirms the presence of Barium. Chromium: The presence of Chromium is one more “tell tale” signature of a nuclear detonation.

Combined with the elevated tritium levels (35 to 55 x normal) discovered on 9-11 on the WTC site & the symptoms of the first responders (hair loss, tooth loss, soars, rare bone marrow & blood cell cancers previously linked to radiation exposure) we have a good amount of evidence nuclear weapons were used on the WTC site.

Very possibly in combination with conventional explosives/incendiaries. Additionally, highly localized EMP evidence is a sign of ground level/near ground level detonations. The #1 factor in the development of the EMP side effect is the altitude of the detonation (the size of the device is key as well, obviously).

With a ground level detonation the EMP will be highly localized & far less sever than with a high altitude detonation.
Facing up to the fact that much of the Twin Towers did in fact VAPORIZE as there is evidence that HIGH tech / LOW yield NUCLEAR DEVICES may have played a roll in both of the DEMOLITIONS.­iple-myeloma-in-first-responders-the-det­ails-of-death

In the general population Myeloma occurs at the rate of 3-9 per 100,000 people. That rate also occurs 99% of the time in people over 65 with an average age of 71. Just 1% are ever under the age of 65 in the general population. In the population of 40,000 First Responders the rate is 1 in 534 people. This means 75 First Responders have died from Myeloma.

What’s more, they have all been between 37 and 60 years of age with most under 55. These are extraordinary figures, unprecedented. Worse, there are approximately 8,000 sick First Responders today and many that have already died have succumbed to not one, not two, but sometimes 3 different rare cancers.

Multiple myeloma among atomic bomb survivors in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 1950-76: relationship to radiation dose absorbed by marrow.

Start here, watch these videos and see the WikiSpooks article:
Ace Baker proves no planes hit WTC on 9/11

Dimitri Khalezov – WTC Nuclear Demolition [Complete / Full Length]

Published on May 23, 2012 by

Dimitri Khalezov – WTC Nuclear Demolition 1 to 26
a groundbreaking interview of an ex officer of the Soviet nuclear intelligence
exposing the truth of the 9/11 events
This Video series has been censored all through the web.

Why I believe nuclear demolition fits all the evidence we know about.

They didn’t call it “ground zero” for nothing! Before 911, ground zero only meant the area below or above a nuclear detonation, after 911, they changed some of the dictionaries to say it was also the place where terrorists attacked the trade centers. It’s all mind control.

Dimitri Khalezov has been an expert in nuclear demolition for many years and has an incredible amount of proof that the buildings were taken down by underground micro nuclear demolition charges! I’ve posted some links to other material such as the melted cars that could have only been done by EMP type effects caused by a nuclear bomb since there was no jet fuel burning at ground level AND some of these cars were missing engine blocks!

They were totally melted! How do you melt an engine block when no fire was burning at ground level – many of these cars were 7 blocks away! They were never explained in any way. Also it was never explained why Tritium levels were 55 times more than normal at ground zero. And of course we have ALL the strange cancers from first responders and many of them have died.

They were forced to wear “air quality” badges which Dimitri says were really just radiation detectors in disguise so they could monitor everybody’s exposure and pull people out of the hot zones for a while when their badges reported higher radiation. Easy to lie to everybody and tell them the badge is to monitor air quality. That is pure garbage if you think about it. There is not going to be that much difference in “air quality around such a relatively small area anyway.

Dimitri even said that in the 70’s he was told that the Americans had authorized the twin towers to be taken down at the end of their lifetimes with small nuclear demolition charges! I did some research and it was true! It was determined that only a nuclear demolition charge could safely bring down both Towers and Building 7 because of their construction. Here’s some good information on nuclear demolition

9/11: The Third Truth – Dimitri Khalezov (Full Interview)

Click this link and the whole series will play continuously

9/11: The Third Truth (Part 1 of 2)

Phone Call to Dimitri- 911 Nuclear Demolitions – Re-edited[/embed]

Nuclear Demolition – WikiSpooks (Article with diagrams explaining WTC demolition)

Additional support videos:
Short video featuring Dimitri’s explanation of digital planes and WTC demolition

The Destruction – Part 1/2 – YouTube

The Destruction – Part 2/2

911 WTC nuclear demolition (Detailed summary of original 26-part Dimitri interview)

My full research on 9/11 can be found here:

Dimitri Khalezov Support Evidence

The Office of the Inspector General of the United States Environmental Protection Agencythe White House and the White House Council on Environmental Quality and
the 1,000+ Deaths (1,003 – March 1, 2011 Approx.) That Have Resulted From The Attack Of September 11th, 2001 All of WhichHave Occurred Since That Date
Impact of the September 11th Attack on Air Quality and Public Health in Lower Manhattan
Supplement To ‘Report Docket No. NIOSH 227JP’ This Report is ‘Report Docket No. NIOSH 227JP2’
March 15, 2011 Jeff Prager

Cover Photo © FEMA 2001 – Most rescue were not encouraged to wear respirators or breathing apparatus or even simple dust masks because the air was ‘safe’ to breathe based on EPA statements.
This report, submitted to NIOSH under Docket Number NIOSH-227, Request for information on Conditions Relating to Cancer to consider for the World Trade Cen-ter Health Program and titled, “Report Docket No. NIOSH 227 JP2” uses publicly available data and references a previous report by the same author sent to NIOSHon March 14, 2011 titled, “Report Docket No. NIOSH 227 JP” and sent in PDFformat to and received by Diane M. Miller, NIOSH Docket Offcer, 513/533-8450 at

The report was originally sent to: as re-quested.Summary
This report in conjunction with the previous report mentioned above provides con-clusive evidence that the events of September 11th, 2001 were nuclear in nature,that is, fission occurred in NYC on September 11th.
The relationship to a variety of human cancers and radioactivity are well-known and well documented.
This reportsummarizes those relationships and seeks to provide the necessary data such thatall cancers associated with Ground Zero Rescue Workers included in any medical compensation package adopted by the US federal government, the National Institutefor Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), the Centers For Disease Control andPrevention (CDC), related to the WTC Health Program established by the JamesZadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act (Pub. L. 111-347) are completely andfully covered.
This is, very simply, the right thing to do.
While this and the previous report submitted promote and espouse that radiationexposure was experienced, that conclusion is not necessary to or a part of the as-sertions in this 2nd report.
This report is based, very simply, on the composition of the Ground Zero dust based on Scanning Electron Microscopy by the United StatesGeological Survey and posted to the internet as Open Source material and the belief that radiation was a component of the Ground Zero dust is
not relative
to the overallassertions in this second report.

The EPA 9/11 pollution controversy was the result of a report released by the Of?ce of the Inspector Generalof the United States Environmental Protection Agency in August 2003 which claimed that the White House put pressure on the EPA to delete cautionary information about the air quality in New York City around Ground Zero following the September 11, 2001 attacks.
According to the report: a September 18 EPA statement saying that the air was “safe”

was made without suffcient reliable data available; the White House Council on Environmental Quality infuenced the EPA to make reassuring comments to the public; and on September 12
the EPA Administrator issued a memo saying that all statements to the media must be cleared by the National Security Council. Numerous key differences between the draft versions and final versions of EPA statements were found.
A recommendation that homes and businesses near ground zero be cleaned by professionals was replaced by a request that citizens follow orders from NYC offcials.
Another statement that showed concerns about “sensitive populations”was deleted altogether.
Language used to describe excessive amounts of asbestos in the area was altered drastically to minimize attention to the dangers it posed.
The news of the report created a short-lived backlash against the administration. Especially angered were NewYorkers who lived near the site of the attacks.
Even a year after 9/11 some 7,000 rescue workers were believed to be suffering from Ground Zero illness: respiratory ailments caused by the dust, the initial stages of various cancers and other related debilitating illness and to date 1,003 have died.
Many cleaning efforts by government and private agencies on homes and businesses were accused of being inadequate.
Senators Hillary Rodham Clinton and Joseph I. Lieberman sent a letter to President George W. Bush concerning his administration’s alleged intervention in internal EPA affairs.
In an interview with Katie Couric for 60 Minutes, former EPA Administrator Christine Todd Whitman criticized NYC authorities for not forcing rescue workers to wear respirators, as EPA did not have the legal authority.
She also defended her own record and denied the claim that her agency lied about air quality surrounding Ground Zero: Whitman stated, “The last thing in the world that I would ever do would be to put people at risk.
Of all the criticisms that I had in my career … this is by far the most personally troubling.
You want to say, ‘You’re wrong.’ We never lied.”
However, Whitman’s claims were contradicted by Cate Jenkins, a senior scientist at the EPA.
In a 2006 New York Times article, Jenkins claimed that the EPA outright lied about health hazards posed by alkalinity, or pH level, of the dust levels at Ground Zero.
In September 2006 the US House of Representatives Committee on Homeland Security held a two day long hearing on the subject of illnesses caused by post-9/11 air quality.
Whitman, the EPA, and New York City weretargets of blame.
1. “EPA Response to September 11”

2. Laurie Garrett (2003-08-23). “EPA Misled Public on 9/11 Pollution

3. Francesca Lyman (Sept. 11, 2003). “Anger builds over EPA’s 9/11 report”


9-11 – The Great American Psy-Opera

See complete series here.

04 – Phenomena


Radioactive tritium, strontium and barium, molecular dissociation, mushroom cloud, 1400 melted motor vehicles, China syndrome, rare cancers . . . the evidence is overwhelming, and it doesn’t point to thermite any more than it points to a gravity collapse.


Nuclear destruction of the WTC

Evidence of Advanced Fusion Devices at the WTC
China Syndrome at the WTC

WTC buildings collapsed to dust

9/11 Firefighter Interview- “Collapsed to Dust”

The Towers of Dust

WTC 2 South tower collapse slow motion HD

9/11 Debris: Investigation of Ground Zero, Pt. 1 – EXCELLENT

9/11 Debris: Investigation of Ground Zero, Pt. 2 (v. 2) – EXCELLENT

9/11 Rare World Trade Center Collapse Footage – (Dust)

Damage to the WTC “Bathtub”

Workers Rush To Repair Huge Hole In WTC ‘Bathtub’ ––bathtub-

The Fetzer – Khalezov Interview 8/10

The Fetzer – Khalezov Interview 9/10

Super high temperatures at and below Ground Zero

9/11: Molten Metal at Ground Zero

Molten metal WTC

Molten metal in basements 911 Demolition

Molten Metal Flows at Ground Zero

Bedrock at WTC Tower 4

iCe Age pothole found at Wtc ground Zero

Ice Age Landscapes in Lower Manhattan – The New York Times
9/11 Digital Deception – No planes hit the WTC towers
(AA 11 and WTC 1, United 175 and WTC 2)

Excellent analysis of 9/11 video and image footage

Ace Baker proves no planes hit WTC on 9/11

9/11 – The Great American Psy-Opera

Theory of Live 9/11 Airplane Composites – VIDEOS

I present a demonstration of the technique used to create the two live 9/11 video composites, first Chopper 7, then Chopper 5.

9/11 NOSE OUT – Simon Shack proves no plane hit WTC 2

9/11 NOSE OUT – Calculations prove no plane hit WTC 2

(see “Pythagoras” article)[/embed]
Article: Pythagoras Exposes Phantom Flight UA175 as a Hoax (excellent)
More analysis of the fake WTC airplane videos and images
September Clues – Main site
FAQ 1: The Official TV Archives
FAQ 2: The “Amateur” Imagery
FAQ 3: Alleged Flights and Passengers
FAQ 4:The Eye-Witnesses
Further Video Analyses
Alternative calculations to above “Pythagoras” video and article (4 Images)

No real Planes @ 911

911 “Nose Out” Plane Cameraman interview Suggests TV Fakery is Reality

Fake Planes 911 an Established Fact…Video by PAGANlNO

911 taboo genghis 6199

Analysis of impossible plane speeds and maneuvers at Sea Level

9/11 pilots say “NO WAY”!

“UA175 Aircraft” Speed Analysis – Article

9/11 WTC impossible speeds confirmed

Pilots for 9/11 Truth: Airplane speed

911 truth 767 Pilot say’s no way the planes or terrorist are real

Pentagon hit by Missile, not a plane
(AA 77 @ Pentagon)
The 9-11 Pentagon Hoax. Why It Wasn’t Hit By A Boeing 747.

The pentagon was not hit by a airliner. See for yourself

9/11 Pentagon NO fatalities NO dead passengers

Former 9/11 Commissioner admits missile hit the Pentagon

9/11 Truth: Pentagon Eyewitness Bob Pugh Tells His Story

April Gallup – Was there a bomb in the Pentagon?

Missile Damage To Pentagon – Article
Pentagon Crash?- Article
High-Ranking Army Officer – Missile Hit Pentagon:
Radiation Expert Claims High-Radiation Readings Near Pentagon
After 9/11 Indicates Depleted Uranium Used- Article
Radiation & Another One Of Those Endless 911 ‘Coincidences’…- Article
Critical Analysis of the Pentagon Building Performance Report
Plane shot down over Shanksville, PA, plane did not “crash”
(“United Flight 93”)

911 FOX reports Flight 93 shot down by an F-16

from the US National Air Guard

Russian NTV reports flight 93 shot down –

missing piece of 9/11 evidence !

Awake and United 9-11 Truth! – Dick Cheney Shanksville

‪Rumsfeld ‘s Accidental Slip of the Tongue,

Flight 93 shot down!‬‏

Award for man who shot down Flight 93 on 9/11

NORAD Confirms 9 11 Footage of Flight 93 crashing

(Shot Down) near Camp David

Flight 93 Eyewitness Sees A Second Plane,

Says Flight 93 Was Shot Down

9/11 Shanksville Eyewitness Susan McElwain

Eyewitness to Shanksville Crash – It Was Not a 757

United Airlines Flight 93 Shot Down
Alleged “Hijackers” are alive and well
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Hijack ‘suspects’ alive and well – Article
Revealed: the men with stolen identities – Telegraph

The 9/11 hijackers are alive

9/11 Hijackers ALIVE!

9/11 Ten reasons why the hijackers were fake

Other interviews with Dimitri Khalezov
Jim Fetzer (very good)

The Fetzer – Khalezov Interview 1/10
(Jim Fetzer introduction)

The Fetzer – Khalezov Interview 2/10

(WTC 7 complex preparation, Judy Wood “Energy Weapon” discussed)

The Fetzer – Khalezov Interview 3/10

(Nuclear detonation 101 and WTC 7 intro)

The Fetzer – Khalezov Interview 4/10

(WTC 7, ultra-violet absorbers, Pyrocool, ground zero hotspots)

The Fetzer – Khalezov Interview 5/10

(WTC 7 false wall explained)

The Fetzer – Khalezov Interview 6/10

(Nuclear detonation – cavity, crushed, damaged zones, pressure wave)

The Fetzer – Khalezov Interview 7/10

(WTC turned to dust, thick as tank steel, no planes)

The Fetzer – Khalezov Interview 8/10 

(WTC bathtub damage, Osama Bin Laden lie, Ground Zero)

The Fetzer – Khalezov Interview 9/10

(WTC bathtub damage, Viktor Bout, Osama Bin Laden)

The Fetzer – Khalezov Interview 10/10

(Mike Harari)

Dr. Deagle Show

Dr Deagle Show 100628 1/4 – Dimitri A. Khalezov

Dr Deagle Show 100628 2/4 – Dimitri A. Khalezov

Dr Deagle Show 100628 3/4 – Dimitri A. Khalezov

Dr Deagle Show 100628 4/4 – Dimitri A. Khalezov

Kevin Barret, Gordon Duff

9/11 Truth: Was Mossad in Charge?
Kevin Barrett, Dimitri Khalezov and Gordon Duff Discuss

(Alternate link)


Gordon Duff Interviews Russian Intel Nuclear Special Ops

Steve Johnson

Phone Call to Dimitri- 911 Nuclear Demolitions – Re-edited

Vinny Eastwood

Dimitri Khalezov – 9/11 Attacks External To U.S Intel Service (1/6)

Dimitri Khalezov – 9/11 Attacks External To U.S Intel Service (2/6)

Dimitri Khalezov – 9/11 Attacks External To U.S Intel Service (3/6)

Dimitri Khalezov – 9/11 Attacks External To U.S Intel Service (4/6)

Dimitri Khalezov – 9/11 Attacks External To U.S Intel Service (5/6)

Dimitri Khalezov – 9/11 Attacks External To U.S Intel Service (6/6)

This quote is from a fellow member posting to a discussion about Dimitri Khalezov’s documentary interview on the Prison Planet forum. This member, along with myself and two other members were eventually banned from that message board. You can review the discussion thread here:

How did 100s of thousands of ppl evacuate NYC so quickly within a time frame under 15min?? Where is all the traffic. More of the 9/11 forgery. This is just after 846 am.The first “plane.” The second “plane”was only 17 min after. That’s a quick evacuation. lol. BUMPER TO BUMPER plus pedestrians. Where are they??? How about behind the barricades already set up. Great perspective down to the street!!

911stealth WTC Adjacent Building Reflection Evocates Pyrocool FEF Used on Masking Radioactivity

Uploaded by  on 15 Nov 2010

Taken from 1) the Naudet documentary 9/11, 2) Bob and Bri “What We Saw”, 3) ‘Peter Strid’, and 4) tje NYPD footage.

Manhatite, the Radioactive Glass from the 9/11 WTC

Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup

PBS and Avery, thank you for the documentary and its script:

I want to contribute my ‘grain of sand’: In page 4 we read that the ‘Trinity Test’ nuclear detonation in NM “left a crater of radioactive glass 10 feet deep and a thousand feet wide”.

NM’s ‘radioactive glass’ = trinitite , from:

A 9/11 under-reported phenomenon is the 40ft ‘pothole’:

If you look at the left side of the crater’s picture you will see the 9/11 WTC “manhatite” radioactive glass, product of radiation by stealth, the ‘911stealth’:

The Military ‘Manhattan Project’ used ‘Woolworth’ (233 Broadway) and nearby places (’25’ and 270 Broadway) plus Manhattan’s underground for its secretive and lethal purposes:

A final note:

Rather than losing time with the Zionist friendly ‘Wiki-leaks’ and ‘promoter’ Hillary (smile), read the real 9/11 ‘Oral Stories’ obtained by the legal avenue:…

while checking the multiple times the responders say they felt the ground shaking (underground nuclear explosion) before the fall of the twin towers and their multiple explosions above, nano-thermite coupled to the highly conductive carbon nanotubes:

something that almost everybody until now seems to be clueless about.

In page 10 of Avery’s script we read:

“The events of 9/11 were used to shape the Bush Administration’s entire foreign and domestic policy. If the details of the events are proven to be a lie, then the authenticity of the Bush Administration’s entire tenure should be in question”.

I recommend you to critically analyze pages 35-48, 55-67, which ends saying:

“…we will not go away. We will not be silent. Ask questions. Demand answers.”

I fear “a new investigation” will be equally corruptible as the first one… The individual conscience is more important;

PBS and Avery, I’ll recommend everybody to watch it!

911stealth Underground Toxic Dust Traveling Through Manhattan Project Facilities 3 Examples

The Neros and Hitlers of the past took their lives when they got busted, the Neros of today write books and appear in interviews…

911stealth WTC1 Nuclear Mushroom Raised at the Tower Falling

Clear evidence of nuclear technology used to destroy the WTC.

First Responders, please, don’t let money rob the truth!

Taken from: 

This is my most important finding thus far.

911stealth – There’s Nothing Under Heaven that Sooner or Later Won’t be Known

‎[BOOK: “America was Nuked” (excellent, irrefutable, hard scientific evidence);
by Jeff Prager]

Part One:
Part Two:

Part 1 of a physics and chemistry analysis of the USGS ground dust sampling and the UC Davis Delta Group atmospheric dust sampling from September 16th through October 30th, 2001. by j_prager2297 in Science, Research, and 91

35 Reasons Micro-Nukes Were Utilized to Demolish the WTC Cores on 9/11

By Spooked June 28, 2012

Editors Note: Micro-Nukes were likely used at the base core in conduction with nano-thermite and C4. Multiple demolitions were used.

Related Article & Videos: 

9/11 Cover up: Standard Controlled Demolition or Possible Micro Nukes?

Micro Nukes took down the Towers on 911 Pt. 1

Uploaded by  on Sep 6, 2011

Micro Nukes took down the Towers on 911 Pt. 2

911 Craters M-Nukes left in the WTC site

Buildings vaporized, rock melted and they still insist it is kerosene jet fuel.

Why was it called Ground Zero?

Here are the reasons:

  1. Heat generation at ground zero for six months (china syndrome)
  2. Inability to quench ground zero heat with water
  3. Red hot/molten steel at ground zero
  4. Missing core columns from ground zero (vaporized during destruction)
  5. Spreading of sand at ground zero consistent with attempts to limit radiation
  6. Washing of steel recovered from pile consistent with radiation decontamination
  7. Extreme security for ground zero steel shipments consistent with limiting access to radioactive steel
  8. Extreme security at ground zero, limiting exposure, view of devastation
  9. Extreme pulverization of WTC concrete into very fine particles
  10. Disappearance of over one thousand human bodies from WTC debris
  11. Disappearance of furniture, phones, filing cabinets and computers from WTC debris
  12. Disappearance of elevator doors, office doors, office cubicle walls, toilets and sinks from WTC debris
  13. Several floor fragments fused together in “meteorite” object
  14. Bone fragments sprayed into Bankers Trust upper floor during destruction
  15. Multiple blast waves during destruction of tower
  16. Large fireballs during initiation of WTC1 destruction
  17. Small backpack-sized fission nukes exist
  18. Fission-nuke technology well-established
  19. Low efficiency of fission nukes ensures leftover radioactive fragments and China syndrome
  20. EMP formation during tower destruction (exploding cars, partial burning)
  21. Description of heat in WTC blast cloud
  22. Extensive cover-up of ground zero air by EPA
  23. High rate of cancers, including thyroid cancer typically associated with radiation exposure, in ground zero responders
  24. Melted, hanging skin in WTC survivor Felipe David in absence of fire
  25. Vaporized press and crumpled steel door in WTC basement reported by Pecoraro
  26. Steel beam bent in U, without cracking, evidence of extreme high temps
  27. Steel beam bent in U has layer of molten metal on surface
  28. Extreme overall devastation of two massive towers and blasted out Ground Zero aftermath
  29. Appearance of fantastical, nonsensical DEW theory by likely govt agents– uses evidence of nukes (EMP, extreme pulverization of tower into dust) but denies nukes at all costs
  30. Appearance of fantastical, nonsensical thermite (super nano-thermite) theory by likely govt agents– uses evidence of nukes (molten steel, china syndrome) but denies nukes at all costs
  31. Small iron microspheres found by Jones et al in WTC dust— evidence of steel vaporization by high temps of nukes
  32. Pyroclastic debris cloud during WTC destruction
  33. Upwards jutting debris trails reminiscent of debris trails formed during underground nuke test
  34. Small bright flashes during destruction of both towers
  35. Extremely compacted ground zero debris

Spooked’s Bio: The official 9/11 story is a lie. The 9/11 plane hijackings and crashes were clever hoaxes.

The WTC1, WTC2 and WTC7 towers were brought down by demolition, and there is evidence for the use of small nuclear bombs in the demolition of WTC1 and 2.

All in all, 9/11 was a massive and cruel hoax foisted upon the world, done in order to spark the obscene “war on terror”, to cover up financial fraud and to further the ends of the global elite. 9/11 was only the most egregious of several other recent false-flag terror operations.

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Uploaded on 16 Dec 2010 by KathiDecker

Go to these two links to see and download these and many more ground zero wtc photos

click on first image and then move your mouse down until the hidden menu shows up at the bottom of the images then click options to download images.

wtc nuclear detonation pictures

Nuclear Demolition – Full Play List by Der Entdecker

wtc nuclear detonation pictures HI-RES

go to this link. click on first image then hover your mouse over it. Then the options tab will appear at the bottom. There you can click to download the full sized

How they rigged the WTC towers for demolition (Skeptics see this)

Published on Jul 13, 2012

This version will stay up, this one contains more info and notes to the debunkers who claimed that they “debunked” this info. 

This video answers how they could have rigged the towers easily and why jet fuel and external damage cannot never in a million years of fire (from jet fuel) cause even a partial collapse let alone an implosion.

AE911truth – Experts Speak out explain it with actual science. Any “expert” that supports the official theory is either afraid for his life or career or believes that by supporting the government story he might be approached by shadow government agents and get paid for his “services”.

The last and most common is that people are psychologically handycapped and their brain will do anything and hold on to any pathetic argument that supports their worldview and nothing can change their mind. This psychology is what keeps most people attached to the religion they have been taught) They always find an explanation no matter how outrageously stupid it is.

An example: Jet fuel caused all the secondary explosions that killed and wounded people and blew up the lobby and elevators

Proof Fission Device Used WTC 911
The Office of the Inspector General of the United States Environmental Protection Agency the White House and the White House Council on Environmental Quality and
the 1,000+ Deaths (1,003 – March 1, 2011 Approx.) That Have Resulted From The Attack Of September 11th, 2001 All of Which Have Occurred Since That Date
Impact of the September 11th Attack on Air Quality and Public Health in Lower Manhattan
Supplement To ‘Report Docket No. NIOSH 227JP’ This Report is ‘Report Docket No. NIOSH 227JP2’
March 15, 2011 Jeff Prager

Cover Photo © FEMA 2001 – Most rescue were not encouraged to wear respirators or breathing apparatus or even simple dust masks because the air was ‘safe’ to breathe based on EPA statements.
This report, submitted to NIOSH under Docket Number NIOSH-227, Request for information on Conditions Relating to Cancer to consider for the World Trade Center Health Program and titled, “Report Docket No. NIOSH 227 JP2” uses publicly available data and references a previous report by the same author sent to NIOSH on March 14, 2011 titled, “Report Docket No. NIOSH 227 JP” and sent in PDF format to and received by Diane M. Miller, NIOSH Docket Officer, 513/533-8450at

The report was originally sent to: as re-quested.Summary
This report in conjunction with the previous report mentioned above provides conclusive evidence that the events of September 11th, 2001 were nuclear in nature,that is, fission occurred in NYC on September 11th.
The relationship to a variety of human cancers and radioactivity are well-known and well documented.
This report summarizes those relationships and seeks to provide the necessary data such that all cancers associated with Ground Zero Rescue Workers included in any medical compensation package adopted by the US federal government, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), related to the WTC Health Program established by the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act (Pub. L. 111-347) are completely and fully covered.
This is, very simply, the right thing to do.
While this and the previous report submitted promote and espouse that radiation exposure was experienced, that conclusion is not necessary to or a part of the assertions in this 2nd report.
This report is based, very simply, on the composition of the Ground Zero dust based on Scanning Electron Microscopy by the United States Geological Survey and posted to the internet as Open Source material and the belief that radiation was a component of the Ground Zero dust is not relative to the overall assertions in this second report.

The EPA 9/11 pollution controversy was the result of a report released by the Office of the Inspector General of the United States Environmental Protection Agency in August 2003 which claimed that the White House put pressure on the EPA to delete cautionary information about the air quality in New York City around Ground Zero following the September 11, 2001 attacks.
According to the report: a September 18 EPA statement saying that the air was “safe”

was made without suffcient reliable data available; the White House Council on Environmental Quality influenced the EPA to make reassuring comments to the public; and on September 12
the EPA Administrator issued a memo saying that all statements to the media must be cleared by the National Security Council. Numerous key differences between the draft versions and final versions of EPA statements were found.
A recommendation that homes and businesses near ground zero be cleaned by professionals was replaced by a request that citizens follow orders from NYC officials.
Another statement that showed concerns about “sensitive populations”was deleted altogether.
Language used to describe excessive amounts of asbestos in the area was altered drastically to minimize attention to the dangers it posed.
The news of the report created a short-lived backlash against the administration. Especially angered were New Yorkers who lived near the site of the attacks.
Even a year after 9/11 some 7,000 rescue workers were believed to be suffering from Ground Zero illness: respiratory ailments caused by the dust, the initial stages of various cancers and other related debilitating illness and to date 1,003 have died.
Many cleaning efforts by government and private agencies on homes and businesses were accused of being inadequate.
Senators Hillary Rodham Clinton and Joseph I. Lieberman sent a letter to President George W. Bush concerning his administration’s alleged intervention in internal EPA affairs.
In an interview with Katie Couric for 60 Minutes, former EPA Administrator Christine Todd Whitman criticized NYC authorities for not forcing rescue workers to wear respirators, as EPA did not have the legal authority.
She also defended her own record and denied the claim that her agency lied about air quality surrounding Ground Zero: Whitman stated, “The last thing in the world that I would ever do would be to put people at risk.
Of all the criticisms that I had in my career … this is by far the most personally troubling.
You want to say, ‘You’re wrong.’ We never lied.”
However, Whitman’s claims were contradicted by Cate Jenkins, a senior scientist at the EPA.
In a 2006 New York Times article, Jenkins claimed that the EPA outright lied about health hazards posed by alkalinity, or pH level, of the dust levels at Ground Zero.
In September 2006 the US House of Representatives Committee on Homeland Security held a two day long hearing on the subject of illnesses caused by post-9/11 air quality.
Whitman, the EPA, and New York City were targets of blame.
1. “EPA Response to September 11”

2. Laurie Garrett (2003-08-23). “EPA Misled Public on 9/11 Pollution

3. Francesca Lyman (Sept. 11, 2003). “Anger builds over EPA’s 9/11 report”

throughout the precollapse time.

9 11 Depleted uranium, Radiation Exposure, World Trade Center PATH Bathtub, Yellow Trucks

Published on Oct 10, 2013

9 11 Depleted uranium Radiation Exposure, World Trade Center PATH Bathtub, Yellow Trucks

Jeff Prager

From NY1 published online we have the following:

Workers Rush To Repair Huge Hole In WTC ‘Bathtub’

“Crews at the World Trade Center site are rushing to fix a 90-foot-wide hole in the retaining wall that keeps out ground water… The collapse of the south tower tore the large gash in the wall on September 11”

Based on the evidence presented above it’s my opinion that the integrity of the retaining wall, the Slurry Wall or Bathtub, was never a consideration or even in any jeopardy. Obviously New York City didn’t follow in the footsteps of the fabled Atlantis and become submerged below the oceans forever. The people that claim that a nuclear detonation would have destroyed the Slurry Wall and flooded the city simply do not have a complete and working understanding of exactly how this Slurry Wall works. The articles above, from reputable sources, provide evidence of “fissures in the bedrock” and leakage of 100 to 200 gallons per minute. This is the product and result of a nuclear detonation. At least three of them. The Powers That Be would NEVER explain a nuclear detonation in a populated city. Don’t expect the truth. These people are liars and criminals without concern for civilians.

So Fetzer and Wood are in error. The Slurry Wall does not function like a dam and if removed entirely the area would, of course, flood over time because it’s lower than the adjacent river. But the river water wouldn’t flow in as one would expect if a dam were opened, because the wall doesn’t function as an actual dam or as we imagine a dam. There is bedrock, compressed earth, all sorts of cement tunneling (subways), etc. The area is a major metropolitan city, where the slurry wall is. Water won’t flow in like a river although it will seep in through cracks, crevices and natural weak points in the ground, at a pretty good pace.

Major portions of the slurry wall were, in fact, reinforced or rebuilt. Water leaked into the Ground Zero building site daily during the construction phase and was continually pumped out.


Geoffrey Franklin says, You never cease to amaze me Daniel J Towsey. I hope there is a special place for you in the Heavens.

17 thoughts on “Nuclear Devices Used at WTC GROUND ZERO”

  1. Well one thing is sure: Jet Fuel can’t melt Steel. So the planes had nothing to do with the collapse. Sad that most people still believe that story. Its physically impossible, unless the WTC was built of wood (which it was not).

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I saw this video from you

    Strangely (or not that so), my special firewall rules that I obtain from the best in the security world for my IPBlock lists (Peerblock for Linux), of course the lists they give with it are bullshit but this list at is the real thing, although costs money, 24 euro for a year…used to be free..but anyway that’s not the point, the point is saying, you are on to something and have really shaken me (and I’m saying the official 911 bullshit is not right since day one, seen it all on CNN, and also as a canadian, I get the US feed of CNN, not their international feed. And when I saw the Pentagon I had to laugh, yeah a 757 in there, SURE. Anyway, when I tried to click your site from youtube, IPBlock blocked me because FBIEdgeCast (EdgeCast is a perfectly fine server renting company, but the FBI does rent a lot of them as to seem innocuous, the people at are not dumb, they have the best internet security thing preventing the spooks and even yes, the NSA to connect to you, leaving them with a “connecting….” and never a response from the computers blocked by IPBlock or Peerblock in windows.

    You’ve made me rethink my agnosticism. Because of my physical issues, for a while, being heart related, now all is fine, but I’m only 32 and I was plagued with those in my mid to late 20’s. My largest fear was to disappear into nothingness after actually it being my wish since existence is pain in this world.I’m not giving up my agnosticism, but you’ve told me things so different from what the usual misled “christians” tell people. And no, you are making a difference, and yes, youtube since it was bought by google has turned for the worse. But there is people who care, don’t get so depressed. I’m actually, maybe foolishly, being more positive about the future than I was in from 2001 to 2013…too many people are getting to know parts of the truth at least, and that can be enough. A President not born in the US who gives no shit about Israel (Obama) refusing to meet Nuts-n-Yahoo and being outraged that Boehner invited him to speak to congress, a little like how our helmet-headed prime minister went to Israel’s Knesset to suck up the ass of everyone there only to be heckled by the only MP’s in the country with a conscience when he mentioned Israel’s the only democratic country in the area while in the same sentence declaring it a theocracy.

    You’re not alone man. Thanks for this great explanation Khalezov didn’t mention in his book, even the final 4th edition. Although, I think much of Khalezov is a fraud except for parts of the mechanical ways the wtc 1,2,7 were brought down, his additional books worshipping Talmudic jews, that I never finished after reading that sentence suddenly contradicts what he’s been saying. And those retaliation files in case he goes back to prison…all garbage, doesn’t seem like he’ll have part 3 and 4 released, the parts that will make Russia and the US look horrible and bring about the destruction of Thailand….yeah sure. You shook me to the core when you said everything I didn’t expect about God and positive energy. I try my best to tell people I care for, but that list has shrunk in the last 4 years when my extended teenage years were over…it seems they just don’t care anymore “I’m sick of talking about 911”. Do you also think the 2005 massive tsunami on the 26th of December was something about putting nukes inside a tectonic plate meet-up crack? I don’t see why Japan would be considered a target though. I know people there who have developed zero diseases since the accident so it doesn’t seem all that dramatic. But that’s not the most important things I wanted to tell you. The first one is, the FBI is spying on people trying to read your blog, had to use a secret TOR+VPN way to do it in the clear, and that your speech has shaken me, finally a christian who speaks in terms I can understand “Jesus died for your sins!” always had me say “what? what did I do then? I wasn’t even around.” You’ve made it clear now that’s not what we’re supposed to understand. I’m a chemistry technician and I don’t know if you ever watched the only show worth watching on TV (it’s over now) from 2008 to 2013….but they add up elements that compose the human body by moles (missing a few trace elements but its TV) and yes, we can’t account for all the weight of a human body with pure science….what this “soul” thing might be is thje good energy and people like Dick Cheney must have destroyed so much of it with their own brain that not many if any of it remains, the man’s machines for a heart prevents him from even having a pulse….that’s so creepy, but I got a feeling many of the people involved in 911 will get theirs, Israel won’t get to pull their Samson Option, too many people are starting to know the truth guy. Don’t give up. Even Senator Bob Graham admitted 911 was a 30 year conspiracy on camera to some truthers…there’s an internal fight between these scumbags and lesser scumbags.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well said… And about are right, yes they nuked the oceans shelf to raise it which created the up to 150 high waves… the info is in the Fukuskushima pages at http;//

      Thanks for your support..and you are a now a see see reality and that is based on pure truth…

      Take care my fellow cosmic traveler…

      Liked by 1 person

  3. We have on our beautiful planet beast that utilizes the universal force against the people. They have very high technology. People take pictures of the burning towers near the tower were flying very fast-moving objects. These objects are the witnesses to the killing of these innocent people. Beam of cold nuclear fusion. This is the technology of metal melting at low temperature. Beam is not visible, it is visible the place of melting and cutting. The souls of the dead want to punish the devil.
    I am a smoker and a butterfly flitted to me when I thought about the beam over WTC. The butterfly was attacking my cigarette. I had never seen this. I did not want to hurt the butterfly. I put out a cigarette, and he started to attack my finger. He sat on my finger and slammed my finger with his proboscis. He did not want flew, he was not afraid and held on tight. Flying objects – UFOs exist on our planet very, very long time. They hide, they disguise themselves and are flying very, very quickly. People saw them occasionally, and they thought they were angels. There are medieval illustrations and ascension in the illustrations Saints enter the UFO. People were not allowed to know this. The steel structure is melted and cut in many places of the angle – from the top. On Youtube you will find a video of a helicopter and in this video you can see three floors violent streams of sparks inside the building. In this current stand terrified, crying people (those monsters did not care that there are people in the building).
    Two blue beams at Ground Zero is not a memorial to the victims, it is a celebration of death and destruction. They are laughing people, they laugh victims …..
    John saw in his revelation how the twins were destroyed. The plane was a 3D projection of the Statue of Liberty. This is the photo that made someone in Manhattan. This is John’s revelation. This Youtube removed. Up on the beam you see a figure with a book. It is a symbol of the Statue of Liberty, weapons, and its beam.

    My sweetharts, remembers one of you, whether Statue of Liberty at that time was open to the public? The second coming of your Lord is at the door. I saw yesterday in the sky Star of David in the video from one man, who made this video. They will be punished !!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

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