Devvy: New York Times Revelations Highlight CIA’s Role pre-911

Devvy: New York Times Revelations Highlight CIA’s Role pre-911


Dear Rich,

As explained before, Obama is a Zionist Jew.

The African Slave Trade by run by European Jews for the benefit of American Jews.

Before Rothschild British Empire enslaved Natives and Africans, it had enslaved its own……The Forgotten Slaves: Whites in Servitude in Early America and Industrial Britain

Interestingly, Ben Franklin was for years, indebtured to his brother, before he ran away to America to escape it.  All you learn in school is the ‘Roots’ version.

African slaves were imported by Jewish slave ships when the enslaved native Americans had been so worn out that they were no longer productive enough for their masters.

However, before that, the Rothschild British Empire enslaved Natives and Africans through Jewish owned ships, it had enslaved its own…… Remember, in those times Europe was still a master-serf society which is conveniently left out of Hollywood movies.

The Forgotten Slaves: Whites in Servitude in Early America and Industrial Britain

The existence of White slavery in America, in addition of the Africans and Native Americans, is one of the most little-known facts of American history. Initially, colonial America was built with the blood, sweat and tears of White slaves

It’s estimated that fully one-half to two-thirds of all White “immigrants” to colonial America in the 17th and 18th centuries were actually slaves who had been brought against their will. They were known by the euphemism of “indentured servants”, but in reality a great many of these people were true slaves. Their servitude was for life, and their children were forced to be slaves as well. Remember, in those times Europe was still a master-serf society. Virtually all of the White slaves were brought from Scotland, Ireland and the impoverished working classes of England. They were both Protestant and Catholic, victims of religious wars and the inhuman greed of the English aristocracy. It was routine for the utterly corrupt and class-prejudiced English courts to justify the forced exile of their victims to the colonies by falsely labeling them as “criminals”. This charade eased the guilty consciences of the true criminals while they made money off kidnapping and the sale of stolen human labor.

If the White slaves survived the hellish voyage across the Atlantic and arrived in the “New World”, they were auctioned on the block just like Black slaves. White slave children were often sold and separated from their parents and White slave women were sold and separated from their husbands. A great many White slaves were forced to work under cruel and demeaning conditions. The Virginia Colony prescribed “bodily punishment for not heeding the commands of the master.” Half of the White slaves died within the first two years after their arrival in the American colonies. Unsurprisingly, it was common for White slaves to run away — only to be hunted down and returned to their evil masters and mistresses. To help identify runaways, the courts in Virginia demanded that everyone have identification and travel papers. White slaves had no rights whatsoever and could be beaten and cruelly abused with impunity.

“Up to one-half of all the arrivals in the American colonies were White slaves and they were America’s first slaves. These Whites were slaves for life, long before Blacks ever were. This slavery was even hereditary. White children born to White slaves were enslaved too.” .

“Whites were auctioned on the block with children sold and separated from their parents and wives sold and separated from their husbands.” White Slavery-what the Scots already know .“There were hundreds of thousands of Scots sold into slavery during Colonial America. White slavery to the American Colonies occurred as early as 1630 in Scotland.” White Slavery — What Really Happened .


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New York Times Revelations Highlight CIA’s Role pre-911

My on site investigation of Flight 93, Shanksville , PA

9-11 Archives

9/11: 3,000 Americans for 3 Saudi princes

Isn’t it ironic that President Obama is so reveled in the nation’s Black community, when the Luo tribe from which he came has a history of selling prisoners of rival African tribes to the Muslims who delivered them to the auction blocks in Europe and America?
Rich Martin

“A gang is a group of men under the command of a leader, bound by a compact of association, in which the plunder is divided according to an agreed convention. If this villainy wins so many recruits from the ranks of the demoralized that it acquires territory, establishes a base, captures cities and subdues peoples, it then openly arrogates to itself the title of `kingdom,’ which is conferred on it in the eyes of the world, not by the renouncing of aggression but by the attainment of impunity.”
St. Augustine in The City of God

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