We know who did 911 Bob Moriarty

9-11 Truther 150px textMUST READ!!! We know who did 9/11 Bob Moriarty in 321gold.com,

and The Arrested Israelis Danced while people were dying in the Twin Towers…

Moriarty is no alarmist shill. Read his credits.  He is a heavily decorated Marine Officer with extensive experience in the fields of combat aviation and intelligence.

—– Original Message —–

From: ollie

Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2012 6:29 PM

Subject: MUST READ!!! Sep 11, 2012 We know who did 911 Bob Moriarty 321gold …s …inc

    This one comes from a friend in Canada.  If you as an American read and circulate just one essay on the internet this year, then make it this one.   IT IS THAT IMPORTANT!!     Americans must wake up and realize just how badly we have been subverted and to what end!!!   The fate of your nation, your culture (what is left of it) and probably your lives and the lives of your children hang in the balance.  

       The Canadians have closed their Embrassy in Tehran, General Dempsey has issued stern warnings, and Obama has refused to meet with Netanyahu over the U.S. refusal to bomb Iran.   The temperature of the international waters could not be hotter.  And it is doubtful that any of these developments are being discussed in the controlled news.

This one is from Bob Moriarty in today’s 321Gold. It is a must read. In it he comes right out and names the actual ethnic origin of those responsible for 9/11 and who are in turn in control of the US government.

Moriarty is no alarmist shill. Read his credits.  (He is a heavily decorated Marine Officer with extensive experience in the fields of combat aviation and intelligence).  This is the first time he has ever, to my knowledge, been this politically candid in naming the actual subversive element responsible for getting us into the present malaise which threatens us with WWIII. Note also his mention of the closing of the Canadian embassy in Iran as a prelude to that war.

We must be getting close to the action when all of these otherwise reticent commentators and even high ranking military men like General Dempsey become this in-your-face and politically honest about the terrifying  prospects humanity now faces.

Thanks Jack for the heads-up.    TL

>We know because they danced and cheered


as Americans leapt to their deaths from the burning towers, “our purpose was to document the event.” We know because they said, “Very good,” as 3,000 Americans perished. http://maxblumenthal.com/2011/05/republicans-to-welcome-netanyahu-who-called-9-11-attacks-very-good-said-israel-benefits-from-anti-us-terror/

We know because the President of the United States admitted having prior knowledge of 911


in a press conference. Don’t listen to what he says, listen to how he reacts.

I’ve always been quite willing to crawl out on a limb and saw the limb off behind me over the last 11 years of running this website. Every piece I have ever written is still posted on the archives page so if someone feels like throwing rocks, they can.

I wrote an unusual piece on the 11th of March 2007


predicting a nuclear war within 30 days. The Zionist paid trolls immediately began attacking me. You see, Americans are not allowed to be critical or speak the truth about Israel or Zionism. The 30 days passed and no nuclear war ensued. There was no false flag operation. Or was there?

Moriarty is no alarmist shill. Read his credits.  He is a heavily decorated Marine Officer with extensive experience in the fields of combat aviation and intelligence.

—– Original Message —–

From: ollie

Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2012 6:29 PM

Subject: MUST READ!!! Sep 11, 2012 We know who did 911 Bob Moriarty 321gold …s …inc

    This one comes from a friend in Canada.  If you as an American read and circulate just one essay on the internet this year, then make it this one.   IT IS THAT IMPORTANT!!     Americans must wake up and realize just how badly we have been subverted and to what end!!!   The fate of your nation, your culture (what is left of it) and probably your lives and the lives of your children hang in the balance.  

The Canadians have closed their Embrassy in Tehran, General Dempsey has issued stern warnings, and Obama has refused to meet with Netanyahu over the U.S. refusal to bomb Iran.   The temperature of the international waters could not be hotter.  And it is doubtful that any of these developments are being discussed in the controlled news.

This one is from Bob Moriarty in today’s 321Gold. It is a must read. In it he comes right out and names the actual ethnic origin of those responsible for 9/11 and who are in turn in control of the US government.

Moriarty is no alarmist shill. Read his credits.  (He is a heavily decorated Marine Officer with extensive experience in the fields of combat aviation and intelligence).  This is the first time he has ever, to my knowledge, been this politically candid in naming the actual subversive element responsible for getting us into the present malaise which threatens us with WWIII. Note also his mention of the closing of the Canadian embassy in Iran as a prelude to that war.

We must be getting close to the action when all of these otherwise reticent commentators and even high ranking military men like General Dempsey become this in-your-face and politically honest about the terrifying  prospects humanity now faces.

Thanks Jack for the heads-up.    TL

>We know because they danced and cheered as Americans leapt to their deaths from the burning towers, “our purpose was to document the event.” We know because they said, “Very good,” as 3,000 Americans perished. We know because the President of the United States admitted having prior knowledge of 911 in a press conference. Don’t listen to what he says, listen to how he reacts.

I’ve always been quite willing to crawl out on a limb and saw the limb off behind me over the last 11 years of running this website. Every piece I have ever written is still posted on the archives page so if someone feels like throwing rocks, they can.

I wrote an unusual piece on the 11th of March 2007


predicting a nuclear war within 30 days. The Zionist paid trolls immediately began attacking me. You see, Americans are not allowed to be critical or speak the truth about Israel or Zionism. The 30 days passed and no nuclear war ensued. There was no false flag operation. Or was there?

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