Busting 911 Myths Nanothermite Big Nukes and DEWs

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Gina Bertarelli This article is terrible, but the comments are good…
October 1, 2013 – 8:41 am
“Dr. Fetzer is totally correct: If any real planes had really hit any buildings they would have vaporized like below planes because WTC & Pentagon were like this solid concrete wall:
F4 Phantom vaporized upon hitting a Wall.
WTC: Can 767 Aluminum Wing Cut 14’Steel? Crash Test Shows

By the way all planes’ noses are made of plastic so that radar inside them can function. Ace Baker showed that in his $100,000.00 prize video which showed that Plane noses crash or dent with just a bird!!!
Jim Fetzer
October 1, 2013 – 9:41 am
No, the Sandia test involved a fighter that was filled with water, mounted on a railway frame and run with a rocket at 500mph into a concrete, nuclear-resistant bunker. It blew apart in millions of tiny pieces. It did not penetrate the barrier.
The alleged 767 was full of air and effortlessly penetrated the massive South Tower. It should have crumpled, its wings and tail broken off, with bodies, seats and luggage fallen to the ground. That did not happen because it was not a real plane.
See my most recent discussion of this issue at

Midwest 9/11 Truth Conference Part 2

Published on Sep 28, 2013

The Midwest 9/11 Truth Conference was held at the Urbana Free Library on 22 September 2013, featuring Kevin Barrett, Jim Fetzer and Wayne Madsen. It began with the A&E911 documentary, “Explosive Evidence: Experts Speak Out” as Part 1.

There followed a critique of the documentary by Jim Fetzer, who explained the latest scientific findings about what happened on 9/11 and how it was done in Part 2. Wayne Madsen concluded with a discussion of three deaths that appear related to 9/11 in Part 3.

The Midwest 9/11 Truth Conference was sponsored and organized by Stephen Francis, a long-time student of 9/11, who was glad to have the opportunity to bring these speakers to Urbana and who is planning to conduct additional 9/11 events in the future. Stay tuned.

Plus the fuel stored in the wings of the plane (had it been a real plane) would have exploded on contact, not waited until it was all the way into the building. Q.E.D.
October 1, 2013 – 11:13 am
NO what??? The film says: “The plane atomized into dust & the wall did its job”. The dustification you see is not the wall but the plane & whatever is inside it.
F4 vaporized ************

F4 vaporized

Uploaded on Mar 8, 2007

F4 Phantom hits a cement wall

Bellow: an English guy bullshits his way through pretending to be a physicist even though the film shows the wall didn’t budge he said a can of water at 500 mph passes through a cement wall!!!:
Sandia F4 Phantom – 1988 “Rocket-sled test”

Sandia F4 Phantom – 1988 “Rocket-sled test”

Uploaded on Mar 7, 2011

The purpose of the test was to determine the impact force, versus time, due to the impact, of a complete F-4 Phantom — including both engines — onto a massive, essentially rigid reinforced concrete target (3.66 meters thick). Previous tests used F-4 engines at similar speeds. The test was not intended to demonstrate the performance (survivability) of any particular type of concrete structure to aircraft impact. The impact occurred at the nominal velocity of 215 meters per second (about 480 mph). The mass of the jet fuel was simulated by water; the effects of fire following such a collision was not a part of the test. The test established that the major impact force was from the engines. The test was performed by Sandia National Laboratories under terms of a contract with the Muto Institute of Structural Mechanics, Inc., of Tokyo.

Jim Fetzer
October 1, 2013 – 2:12 pm
If you mean there is a coarse analogy between what happened at Sandia and what SHOULD HAVE HAPPENED at the South Tower, then I can agree with that. Because of the windows, which cover less than 25% of the facade, I would suppose perhaps 25% of a real plane could have entered the building. But, intersecting eight floors as it was, most would have crumpled, its wings and tail broken off, with bodies, seats and luggage falling to the ground. None of that happened. And the friction would have caused the fuel stored in its wings to have exploded in the process, not waited until it was completely inside the building. Agree?
October 1, 2013 – 6:25 pm
Yes. Of course Doc. But just To avoid possible misreading of what I tried to say: The same Phantom crash-test comes up at end of this History Channel documentary. The voice states clearly: “though the fighter jet completely disintegrated the cement wall remained intact with minor damage (probably scratches)”
crash testing aircraft simulation documentary

crash testing aircraft simulation documentary

Published on May 28, 2012

If planes had hit WTC’s I don’t think any parts of them could have gone inside windows because they’re built as one piece aluminum frames & the whole thing would have flattened like an empty beer can slammed into a wall at 500 MPH turning into a flattened & wrinkled piece of aluminum. May be some debris would have gone through broken
read more …
Jim Fetzer
October 1, 2013 – 8:13 pm
Good, LC. Nice video of a real plane crashing, too. I’m glad we are on the same page about this. Many thanks!”


Busting 911 Myths Nanothermite Big Nukes and DEWs

by Don Fox (with Jim Fetzer)

wtc1canon45On the 12th observance of 9/11 there are still many questions surrounding the destruction of the World Trade Center buildings.

The Official Conspiracy Theory (OCT) put forth by NIST and the 9/11 Commission posits that 19 hijackers (5 of whom turned up alive AFTER 9/11) flew commercial planes in to the Twin Towers and the damage from the impacts of the planes and resulting fires caused the Towers to collapse at free fall speed.

These magical planes also caused a third skyscraper (Building 7) to collapse at free fall speed in a vacuum some 25 minutes after the BBC had announced that it had collapsed even though no plane had hit it.

Obviously the government’s account is blatantly false. It stands to reason that if the government’s account of the events of 9/11 is not physically possible then it cannot be historically accurate. Historical events on the level of 9/11 shape the future for years, even generations to come. You will not be able to properly understand current events if you do not understand 9/11.

Once you come to the realization that the Zionists and Neocons in the Bush Regime acting at the behest of Israel were responsible for 9/11, the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria make a lot more sense.

The Big Lies of 9/11 have been used to launch wars of Zionist Aggression abroad and erode our civil rights here in the US. The 9/11 Wars have killed over a million innocent civilians and drained the US treasury of trillions of dollars. All so that Israel can maintain hegemony over the Middle East.

In recent years these Big Lies have given way to several Alternate Myths. As the OCT loses credibility alternative theories such as nanothermite, directed energy weapons and Big Nukes have tried to bridge the gap. Just as the OCT has imploded so will these Alternate Myths.

The “Collapse” Theory

According to the government, the Twin Towers collapsed because the intense heat from the jet-fuel fires caused the steel to weaken (or, in some versions, the trusses to bow) to the extent that the top floors collapsed onto lower floors (or the trusses to collapse on other trusses), in a cascade of floors (or trusses) falling upon one another until both buildings were completely destroyed. Here is a schematic representation of the official theory, but there are also animated versions:


For anyone who has actually looked at the video sequence of their destruction, however, this theory is easily the least defensible. Gravity operates in one direction: down! But the Twin Towers are exploding in every direction from the top down. The buildings are being converted into millions of cubic yards of very fine dust. And when it was done, there was no stack of pancakes: they were destroyed below ground level! And, even worse, on the truss version, the core columns would have remained standing, like the spindle on a 45rpm record player after the records had been played.

Moreover, NIST studied 236 samples of steel from the Twin Towers and discovered that 233 had not been exposed to temperatures above 500*F and the other three not above 1200*F. Insofar as UL had certified the steel used in the towers to 2,000*F for three to four hours without incurring any adverse effects (either weakening or melting) and the fires in the South Tower only endured for about a hour and in the North an hour and a half, they could have burned forever at those temperatures and not caused any damage. If we want truth, we must consider other 3>

Major and minor dust samples

The group that dominates A&E911 and produced “Explosive Evidence”–Richard Gage, Steve Jones, Kevin Ryan and Neils Harrit, especially–have insisted that the key to understanding 9/11 is tiny chips of unexploded energetic material found in dust samples from apartments in the vicinity of “Ground Zero”, to which they refer as “nanothermite”. The catch turns out be that nanothermite is a feeble explosive that has 1/13 the force of TNT, the universal standard. Research by T. Mark Hightower, a chemical engineer, moreover, has shown that it only has a detonation velocity of 895m/s, which is far from the speed of sound in concrete and steel, which are 3,200m/s and 6,100m/s, respectively. Since it is a law of materials science that an explosive cannot destroy a material unless it has a detonation velocity equal to or greater than the speed of sound in that material. You can’t get there from there.

The Myth of Explosive nanothermite

In 2002 Jeff Prager tried to prove 19 Muslims hijacked four planes and attacked us. By 2005, he realized this was false, sold his business, left the US and began to investigate 9/11 full-time. (See his 9/11 America Nuked.) In “Proof of Ternary Fission in New York City on 9/11″ he observes (1) that dust samples are the best evidence of what happened on 9/11; (2) that the US Geological Survey samples taken over a dozen locations show how various elements interacted prove that fission reaction(s) had taken place; (3) that Multiple Myeloma in the general population at a rate of 3-9 incidents per 100,000 people, but the rate was 18 per 100,000 among first responders; (4) that other cancers relatively unusual cancers have appeared among the responders, including non-Hodgkins lymphoma, leukemia, thyroid, pancreatic, brain, prostate, esophageal and blood and plasma cancers; and (5) that, as of March 2011 no less than 1,003 first responders died from various cancers.

The elements that have been found in these dust samples provide an astonishing array of proof that the destruction of the WTC was a nuclear event. How ironic that dust samples, which have been touted as the key to understanding 9/11, ARE the key, but not those studied by Gage, Jones, Ryan and Harrit! Consider the range and variety of the elements in the US Geological Survey’s dust samples, found at “Environmental Studies of the World Trade Center Area After the September 11, 2001 Attack” (Open-File Report 01-0429). Here’s a link to the chemistry table and another to the DOE report, “Study of Traces of Tritium at the World Trade Center” (UCRL-JC-150445):

Barium and Strontium: Neither of these elements should ever appear in building debris in these quantities. The levels never fall below 400ppm for Barium and they never drop below 700ppm for Strontium and reach over 3000ppm for both in the dust sample taken at Broadway and John Streets.

Thorium and Uranium: These elements only exist in radioactive form. Thorium is a radioactive element formed from Uranium by decay. It’s very rare and should not be present in building rubble, ever. So once again we have verifiable evidence that a nuclear fission event has taken place.

Lithium: With the presence of lithium we have compelling evidence that this fission pathway of Uranium to Thorium and Helium, with subsequent decay of the Helium into Lithium has taken place.

Lanthanum: Lanthanum is the next element in the disintegration pathway of the element Barium.

Yttrium: The next decay element after Strontium, which further confirms the presence of Barium.

Chromium: The presence of Chromium is one more “tell tale” signature of a nuclear detonation.

Tritium: A very rare element and should not be found at concentrations 55 times normal the basement of WTC-6 no less than 11 days after 9/11, which is another “tell tale” sign of nukes.

No Denying Nukes

Indeed, the destruction of the World Trade Center buildings on 9/11 appears to have been a nuclear event. 1/3 of the Twin Towers and a thousand bystanders were completely vaporized. Some 1,400 cars were toasted in the vicinity of the WTC. Chunks of debris were ejected hundreds of yards. No desks, chairs, computers or toilets were found in the rubble of the Twin Towers. Temperatures at Ground Zero were between 600 and 2,000°F for six months after 9/11.

The clinchers though are the USGS dust samples and the Department of Energy (DOE) water samples. The USGS dust samples not only show elevated levels of elements such as uranium, thorium, barium, strontium, yttrium, chromium, copper, zinc, sodium and potassium, they show that the quantities of a dozen elements rising and falling predictably over a dozen sample locations. The only process that can explain this is nuclear fission. The DOE collected water samples from the basement of Six World Trade 11 days after 9/11 that contained tritium at 55 times background levels. This proves nuclear fusion took place.

Dimitri Khalezov recently published an article where he makes the case that three 150 kt nukes were detonated 100 meters underground on 9/11 (aka the Big-Nuke Theory). In order to maintain the viability of his theory he states that several pieces of evidence including seismic readings, toasted cars and photographs were faked. Our approach has been to come up with a theory that fits the evidence rather than having to claim this photo or that report was faked. The WTC Mini-Nuke Theory explains what was observed at Ground Zero. Khalezov’s Big-Nuke theory simply cannot account for the gross observable evidence.

Recap of the Mini-Nuke Theory

After reading Dimitri’s article it appears that he believes that we are stating that merely one or two mini-nukes were placed in the basement of the Twin Towers and that was responsible for all of the destruction. Obviously that scenario could not explain what is observed at Ground Zero. Our philosophy is that the destruction was caused by multiple low-yield nuclear bombs and not three big ones. The perpetrators objective was to nuke the WTC buildings without making it look like they nuked the buildings. This schematic is not intended to illustrate the specific way in which it was done but rather to give a visual indication of some of the available options:


The WTC Mini-Nuke Theory postulates that there were perhaps 5-11 mini-neutron nukes placed the core columns of the Twin Towers as well as several underground mini-nukes. There were a series of underground explosions before each Tower starts coming down. The mini-nukes in the core columns were detonated sequentially from top to bottom and configured to explode upward. The top to bottom demolition sequence was intended to simulate a free fall gravitational collapse which was the cover story.

If they took out one cube of 10 floors per second, then the time of destruction of the North Tower would have been 11 seconds and of the South–where the top three cubes tilted and were blown as one–9, which agrees with NIST’s own time estimate.The charges were shaped to explode upward so that the bombs in the top of the building would not destroy the bombs below before they had a chance to explode. Mini-nukes exploding upward also serves to explain the low seismic readings of 2.1 for the South Tower and 2.3 for the North Tower.

Some may question whether mini-nukes can be configured to explode directionally. Shape charging explosives has been around for a long time. Friedwardt Winterberg of Cornell University has proposed using deuterium microbombs to transport payloads between planetary orbits. This amounts to exploding mini-nukes in a cylindrical tube to direct the blast to propel the spacecraft. This explains what is observed in the destruction of the Twin Towers: material is being ejected upward and outward, 1/3 of the buildings are completely vaporized, and steel, cement and gypsum are converted into a pyroclastic surge cloud that covers Lower Manhattan in fine dust. Retained heat from the underground mini-nukes produce the high temperatures that persisted for six months after 9/11. Conventional explosives were used as well in the Twin Towers but mini-nukes did the heavy lifting.

In the case of Building 6 mini-nukes were detonated in the basement of the building and configured to explode upward. This explains the scooped out crater in the center of the building and the tritiated water found in the basement 11 days after 9/11.

Building 7 was also a combination of conventional and nuclear demo charges. Unlike the Twin Towers, no above ground nukes were used on 7. Conventional charges took out the support columns of the building which caused it to fall at free fall speed in a vacuum and three mini-nukes detonated in the basement vaporized much of the contents of the building. This explains the low seismic reading of .6. We will have a full break down on Building 7 in a future article.

What Would 150 Kiloton Blasts Have Done?

As a comparison to Khalezov’s theory let’s use the Storax Sedan nuclear test which was a 104 kt nuke detonated 190 meters deep. It lifted a dome of earth 90 m (300 ft.) above the desert floor before it vented at three seconds after detonation, exploding upward and outward displacing more than 11,000,000 tons of soil.


The resulting crater is 100 m (330 ft.) deep with a diameter of about 390 m (1,280 ft.). A circular area of the desert floor five miles across was obscured by fast-expanding dust clouds moving out horizontally from the base surge, akin to pyroclastic surge. The blast caused seismic waves equivalent to an earthquake of 4.75 on the Richter scale.


There were no giant craters observed at Ground Zero in New York so on this point alone Khalezov’s theory can be rejected.


The Winter Garden: Where DEWS, Nanothermite and Big-Nuke Theories Go To Die


The Twin Towers were destroyed from the top down and the inside out. No big flash was visible and no other buildings were flattened by the blasts so by definition any above ground nuclear detonation had to be low yield. Photos and videos of the destruction of the Twin Towers clearly show that there were indeed above ground nuclear detonations. As we can see below the chunks of debris that are being ejected from the North Tower into the Winter Garden originated several stories above the top of Building 7. Other material is being ejected straight up; the North Tower is clearly being demolished by an above ground mini-nuke. The bottom 60 floors of the North Tower are clearly still intact when the material that landed in the Winter Garden was ejected. Khalezov’s account of large underground nukes simply cannot account for the observed top down demolition of the North Tower.
YouTube – Veterans Today –


The Winter Garden was destroyed on 9/11 from debris ejected from the North Tower. Judy Wood denies that explosives were used to demolish the Towers and that through some unknown process they simply turned to dust where they once stood. This is patently absurd. The Twin Towers exploded and Wood cannot account for a 300 ton chunk of debris being ejected into the Winter Garden 600+ feet out. It was traveling at an estimated 70+ miles per hour. Judy Wood’s DEW non-theory has no explanatory power for the destruction of the WTC buildings and can be rejected.

Since nanothermite is not explosive it cannot account for the destruction of the Winter Garden. Nanothermite has no ability to explode concrete or steel or eject steel assemblies weighing hundreds of tons up at a 45° angle and out into the Winter Garden. The nanothermite theory can also be rejected.

The Winter Garden is the end of the line for any theory except the mini-nuke theory.

Six World Trade: The Mini-Nuke Poster Child

Six World Trade Center was the US Custom House, an 8 story building that stood between the North Tower and Building 7. The new One World Trade Center stands on the site where Six World Trade once stood. Khalezov’s theory does not even take Building 6 into account even though the building was clearly nuked. Before either Tower came down on 9/11 a 170 high meter plume of smoke was seen rising from the building:


The blast left a giant crater in the middle of the building:


Tritium was found at levels 55 times background in the basement of the building 11 days after 9/11. Firefighters sprayed a million liters of water on Building 6 diluting the water samples. Per Ed Ward’s breakdown had the water samples been collected on the evening of 9/11 there could have potentially been 6 BILLION tritium units present. That is the equivalent to a leaking nuclear power plant. Temperatures were so high that “cement flowed like lava” according to the plaque in the New York Police Museum:

WTC6 debris

EXIT signs, gun sights and cold fusion cannot explain the tritium found in the basement of Building 6. The only thing that can explain this evidence is a thermonuclear explosion. It is apparent that one or more mini-nukes were detonated in Building 6. A 150 kiloton nuke buried under another building cannot account for the damage inflicted upon Six World Trade. Neither can thermite, cold fusion or a Judy Wood style DEW.

Cars Were Toasted by Above Ground Nukes


Ted Twietmeyer’s post on Rense’s website sheds considerable light on the toasted cars. Vector forces show that the source of the EMP that toasted the cars (and neutrons per Ed Ward) is clearly above ground.

Khalezov’s Big-Nuke Theory falls short in several areas: It cannot account for evidence of above ground nuclear detonations, low seismic readings of the destruction of WTC-1, 2 and 7, the lack of giant craters at Ground Zero, the destruction of WTC-6 and the 1,400 toasted cars. The WTC Mini-Nuke Theory can account for all of these things without resorting to claiming seismic reports and photographs were faked or that the police and FBI were burning their own cars. Khalezov is correct that the destruction of the WTC buildings was a nuclear event. He is much closer to the mark than are the thermite sniffers and DEW cultists.

The time has come to reject all of the Myths surrounding 9/11 and come to grips with what really happened: the Zionist / Neocon Cabal nuked buildings in Lower Manhattan to justify Zionist Wars of Aggression in the Middle East. The Killing Machine will keep going with wars in Syria and Iran if we are unable to reject the lies and myths and face up to the truth of 9/11.

Donald Fox has done extensive research on the role of mini-nukes by Dr. Ed Ward and on work by The Anonymous Physicist on the towers and has formulated an account of how it was done and why there is more to this story relative to very low-yield thermonuclear devices. See his blog at http://donaldfox.wordpress.com.

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